The above figures show how many African elephants are poached for their ivory. At the current rate of poaching they will be extinct by 2025.
How Many Elephants presents a physical commentary on the devastating impacts of the elephant ivory trade and aims to unite, educate and inspire global change.
Poaching has grown massively since the ivory trade ban in 1989 due to a rising demand in China. A survey conducted by the International Fund for Animal Welfare revealed that 70% of the Chinese population don't know that ivory is predominately the product of a poached elephant as the chinese word for Ivory translates to tooth
When studying for a masters in Sustainable Design Holly Budge was researching the devastating impact of the elephant Ivory trade and created the '96 Elephants A Day' necklace which is made from vegetable ivory. One brass elephant is featured in the design which represents the metal used in the bullet shells commonly used by poachers in Africa. One elephant faces the other way to indicate there is still hope that this crisis can be stopped. The necklace was awarded the prestigious Arts & Crafts Design Award and Holly created her award winning charity How Many Elephants
The exhibition makes a powerful statement about ivory poaching in a creative and informative way. The exhibition will travel to major cities around the world including London, New York, Beijing and Hong Kong to try and change the culture of demand by converting, informing and educating people
The Exhibition showcases 35,040 elephants in an 18 metre long info graphic. Each square features 96 elephants (The daily poaching rate in Africa) with a total of 365 squares. Four red lightboxes also represent the hourly death toll with the red symbolising the blood spilt. You can host the exhibition or host a speaker to inspire others to fight for change. Holly Budge is an acclaimed speaker, activist, world record holding adventurer and artist