5 plastic alternatives that will help the environment

Since its creation we've produced roughly nine billion tonnes of plastic with around 1/3 produced for single useage, and 13m tonnes of plastic litter ends up in our oceans every year. 

This years news coverage has exposed the detrimental effects of plastic on the environment, particularly looking at the effects it is having on the oceans and wildlife. More than 100,000 marine animals are killed per year by plastic in the oceans, with recent coverage including stories of whales being washed up on EU beaches after choking on plastic bags.

As well as affecting the planet and wildlife, recent research has revealed that plastic containers and packaging contain toxic chemicals that have been linked to a range of health issues including cancer. This shocking coverage and exposure is certainly having an effect on the public and we're now questioning our plastic purchases a lot more.

Below we list 5 plastic alternatives that are easy to do and that will help the environment:

Reusable shopping bags

Since the introduction of the 5p charge in 2015 the amount of single use bags has dropped, but plastic bags are still regularly being purchased.

Consider purchasing a reusable tote bag to use for your groceries instead. Not only great for your food shop, but for hitting the town, the gym, or using as a lightweight handbag.

There are so many different designs and fabrics to choose from. We love the Aura Que totes that are made by artisans in Nepal and Vietnam. These cute tote bags are Fair Trade Certified and made from cotton.

Reusable drinks bottles

Plastic bottles make up a third of all plastic pollution in the sea. Reduce your usage by purchasing a reusable drinks bottle instead. Stainless steel bottles are perfect as they're reusable, BPA free, non reactive and non leaching so your drinks won't taste funny. New initiatives will see retailers, coffee shops and local authorities offering free water refill stations by 2021 in order to reduce the amount of plastic bottles.

Reusable coffee cups

Each year 100 billion single use coffee cups are being thrown away with less than 1% of those being recycled. To try to reduce this coffee shops are being encouraged to reward customers that bring in their own reusable coffee cup. We love the Ecoffee cups which are made from bamboo and come in a range of funky colours and patterns. These cool cups are BPA and phthalate free, are dishwasher safe, naturally sterile and have a resealable no-drip lid.

Reusable Food bags

Instead of using single use sandwich bags, cling film or tupperware, use a LunchSkins reusable zip bag. These food safe and dishwasher safe bags are the perfect size for sandwiches, fruit or snacks. Made from cotton with a food-safe polyurethane liner, the LunchSkins are quick drying, grease proof and moisture proof.

Reusable Straws

8.5 billion plastic straws are thrown away in the UK every year and MPs are currently looking into imposing a ban of all plastic straws. Restaurants and cafes have started to either stop providing straws or providing paper ones. If you're a straw lover, check out Bambaw's reusable straws made from bamboo

The straws are made from a single stem of organic bamboo and are handmade in Indonesia. These eco friendly straws are packaged in sets of 12 in a cotton bag and come with a handy cleaning brush. They are also dishwasher safe and have no aftertaste. The perfect plastic straw alternative which you can take with you whenever you eat or drink out. 

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